Friday, June 24, 2011
Our store
Bully Breed Buddies has a Cafe Press store!!! If you want to purchase anything portraying our beautiful faces (or, if you're family, you want an easy gift for anyone here) please visit the store and shop around. If there's anything you think would make a good product just let us know.
The Bully Breed Buddies
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New Fosters
Hey guys, I'm Bailey. I'm a Collie mix, maybe have some cowdog in me too.
When I was just little I got Parvo and my owners couldn't afford to take me to the vet. The Bully Breed Buddies took me in and got me to Dr. Tammen right away. She told them that the Parvo had just started and that I was one lucky puppy because they were able to deal with it without hospitalization...whatever that means.I just turned one year old in March and I am so ready for a family of my own. Don't get me wrong, I love it here with the Buddies. But I want to live somewhere with kids, and lots of room to run and play.
I get along with other dogs and I'm okay with cats as long as I'm supervised because sometimes I try to play with them and they just don't want to play. I'm really gentle though and wouldn't hurt anything! If I sound like I would be a good match for you just email us!

Hiya, I'm Chief. My foster parents tell me that I'm a handful but it's just cuz I'm so smart! I'm a Border Collie/Pit Bull Cross (as far as they and Dr. Tammen can tell) and that makes for a really intelligent dog! At least that's what I'm told. I'm only about 8 months old and I haven't really had a chance to be a normal dog.
A few months ago I was sitting in a backyard, tied to a fence with a really short leash and had all my "mess" surrounding me. I had to sleep in my own "stuff" if ya know what I mean. I didn't have any food or water so I got brought to the Buddies house. They took me in to see the doctor lady and other than being underweight I was pretty healthy.
I really want a home where I can run a lot. I need a lot of exercise and would really love to be a "working dog" of some kind. Foster Mom says I'd be great at agility! Because I'm really hyper I probably wouldn't be that great with little kids but I'd love older ones who would be willing to play with me. If you are interested please let the Foster Mom know!!!

Need some help
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas wishes
I would like, most of all, to be able to work more on my Service Dog training. I really enjoy spending time with my Daddy and showing off how well trained he is. By that I mean that I have trained him to believe that he needs me to go places with him...that way I get to go wherever he does!
I would also like a new rope toy and a fresh new Kong.
Hey! This is the one and only Noelle!
This year I want to go on more walks, more car rides, and do more work with agility training. I'd also like a swimming pool of my own instead of having to try and swim in my big drinking water thing outside.
I would also like a new baby and maybe some treats.
Oh yeah, and a new dress cuz' Mama gets really proud to take me out in public when I'm dressed all pretty!
hi there this is freckles. i had to have surgery on my knee so more than anything else in the whole world i want my leg to get all better so i can play with my sisters again. i want MY mommy to spend more time just with me and to play with me and take me for walks. i dont really play with toys very much but i do really like chewy things like bully sticks and those fake longlasting bone thinys. theyre not very longlasting though because i eat them really quickly.
Hiya, Reese reporting for blogging duty! This year I want squeeky toys, lots and lots of them. The more noise a toy makes the more I love it.
I also want to go on more walks and visits to places where there are people. I really love people.
I'd like to find my forever home, or have it easier for my foster family to officially make me theirs. I have been with them for over a year now but they are still hoping someone will come by and adopt me.
I know there are a lot of doggies that aren't as lucky as I am and don't even have a foster family of their own. A lot of doggies are stuck in shelters or out in a cold backyard this Christmas.
I am so thankful that I don't have to deal with stuff like that anymore. That's why all I'm REALLY asking for myself is squeeky toys, because you can never get enough noise!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Service Dog
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Princess Fiona
#1. My first resolution is to remember that even though I AM The Princess Fiona, my subjects are worthy of respect as well. I will try to treat them like dog beings instead of lowly slaves. Furthermore I will remember that although I AM The Princess Fiona, Mommy and Daddy are Queen and King.
#2. I will learn to come when called, even when there is something more interesting than my Mommy and Daddy.
#3. I will lose 10 pounds. Well, maybe 5. No, I think 3 would be better. Okay, I will learn to love myself just as I am because I AM The Princess Fiona. Wait, I already love myself completely and totally. So, I will instead resolve to make even more people fall in love WITH me!
#1. I will learn the "touch" command and allow other people to touch me sometimes. I will try to remember that they are not going to hurt me or take me away from my Mommy and Daddy.
#2. I will get even better at leaving the kitties and bunnies alone. They are not food. I am not really hungry. Repeat, not food, not hungry. Not food, not hungry.
#3. I will keep making Mommy feel like the luckiest Mommy on Earth by smiling and kissing her as much as I can.
#1. im gonna stop being so ascared of everything that moves. and everything that doesnt.
#2. im gonna share the couch with The Princess Fiona.
#3. im gonna learn how to be a therapy dog so I can help the man person.
#1. I will learn not to jump on everyone just because they make eye contact with me.
#2. I will learn to stay outside by myself for at leat 30 minutes all by myself.
#3. I will find my forever home and never let it go.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
RIP Sweet Fay